Wednesday, June 22, 2011

exciting news

Exciting news this week. Bruce's Kitchen got mentioned in Frommer's guide as one of the 15 best restaurants in the Gulf Islands, Vancouver Island and San Juan Islands. We were also mentioned as a special insider place worth a visit.

It is at times like this that a lot of the hard work, long hours and anxiety of owning a small business begin to feel worth it. I don't work for these kind of accolades, the joy of cooking for people I know makes me happiest. It is, though nice to get recognition of this sort especially when it will help the Kitchen grow.

I suppose the only small bit was the reference to "big Bruce behind the stove". Considering my recent weight loss I like to think of myself as the ever shrinking Bruce.

I should thank all of my hardworking, dedicated staff, without whom Bruce's Kitchen wouldn't be what it is. Their commitment to making the business work and their customer service are beyond compare. And thank you to all of our local customers who keep us going throughout the year.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hooray! That's a well deserved recognition.